Trust the Internet, the Internet Knows All

Last weekend the ship’s company went to Phoenix Comicon, it was thoroughly enjoyable.

During the last days of the convention we were holed up in a hotel for a night, rather than spending it on the ship. As the crew remained awake for a few hours past normal, it was apparent that a food run was required – to the web! After researching the nearest places to us that were open at this early hour, it was decided to hit the nearest 24 hour McDonald’s.

This was a mistake.

The lights were off, the place was shut. After reviewing the building, the hours posted showed that it should be closed – wtf? I brought my cell phone out and loaded the McDonald’s website, it continued to claim the restaurant we were at was open 24 hours – thank you for nothing internet.

A crew member familiar with the area of town stated that another McDonald’s nearby had been 24 hours as long as they could remember, this was verified by the website. Off we go!

This was a mistake.

Again, the lights were off, the place was shut. After reviewing the… wait, haven’t you read this part before? Sufficed to say, the web was wrong. After much travel, running low on fuel, we did find a verifiable McDonald’s restaurant that was open 24 hours and found our food.

My crew and I are rather reliant on the websites of companies, and their being up to date. In today’s world of Twitter and Facebook, it was an eye opening experience to find that McDonald’s, and possibly other large companies, are unwilling to keep their sites up to date. In the future we will be quite wary.

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