Car Maintainance


After two weeks of it being out, I have finally replaced my tail light. And after MONTHS of it being out, I have also replaced my front signal lamp. Beware all, now you’ll know when I’m turning!

That being said, I’m not sure I explained about either light so here goes:

Our office manager at work tells me one day my tail light is out, but can not recall which one. I thank her and go on my way. The following day I notice our engineer behind me on the freeway so I call him and ask him which one it is. His reply, “neither, they’re both working fine”. Wha?

The following week I see him behind me again, and this time he calls me. “The left one”. Ah, thank you! So the next day I look at it and can’t figure out how on earth to get the casing off! Alright, so I finally went back to work and the engineer showed me where the screws were inside of the truck bed… I couldn’t find them because they were covered by my rhino liner, duh, we had to cut it away to get at them!

Whoohoo, that was fun I tell you.

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